Tendring Brass Quintet

Mayoress of Harwich Charity Strawberry Tea


Tendring Brass provided a quintet for the event

A quintet formed by members of Tendring Brass Band  played a selection of musical favourites at the Mayoress of Harwich Charity Strawberry Tea on Sunday 5th July. The group entertained guests from their position under the Tower Hotel garden gazebo, performing an enjoyable hour and a half of music during the afternoon. Thankfully the rain held off allowing everyone to enjoy the afternoon….and a strawberry cream tea of course!


Tendring Brass playing up a storm under the Tower Hotel gazebo

Tendring Brass Band also performed a great set recently on the LV18 Lightship opening  the Harwich Music Festival  providing a great opening to this years festival with it’s ‘Leading Lights’ theme. As the sun went down the light ship was lit up signifying that the 2015  music and arts festival was now open.
